Finally the picture are FIX!

It took me two days for finding the solution to fix the "No Entry" picture. At last! thanks to  DarkUFO - Blogger Top Contributor , for answering the solution. It's a bit frustrating you know, I keep searching the solution in Google homepage but still no solution. I'm nearly give up searching the solution, but it kind of waste if I leave it. By the way if you get the same problem. Just click the picture and read. Sorry for the technical problems. Sory the fonts im posting this blog using my mother's phone. Hope you guys will understand. 

A Short Time Lapse

Finally a Short Time Lapse has complete. Kind of hard if you don't know the basics but I never give up, keep studying about it. Not just time lapse thou', but there's another effect that I trying to learn. By the way, I'm sorry this video takes only 4 seconds. This is just a testing time lapse, but don't worry there's another video that I made will be posted here and maybe someday in Youtube

Long time no post...

It's been a long time that I never start posting. Sorry guys it's been a busy rough day. Anyway though I'm still learning about some action and cloning filming now. Kind of complicated thou'. But I still keep trying to do it and never give up. By the way if you got any request for your stories to post on my blog. Sent me an email at Google. or just follow and chat with me at Google+ . For any update for my blog will be posted on my Google+ page. So keep following me on Google+ for more update that will be available. 

Segamat? Tangkak? Habbo :D

Bagi aku hari ni hari yang paling seronok, thanks to my brother in law. Dia bawak aku pergi kerja dekat Segamat and Tangkak. Tapi ada masalah sikit lah, cuaca hari ni pergh! Panas beb! Dalam kereta aircon kuat pun boleh rasa bahang dia lagi, tapi ape ape pun kerja tetap jalan walaupun panas giler.

 Sampai je tangkak aku teman abang aku pergi ILP Tangkak . Boleh tahan best jugak la tempat dia, tak sabar jugak aku nak tengok aktiviti yang nak buat esok . Tapi esok bukan je aku kena datang bawa diri, tetapi esok aku kene jadi Photographer untuk program esok. Tak sabar meh nak kerja hehehehe! :P . 

Kat Tangkak, krew abang ipar aku dengan aku tidur dekat hotel Ophir Tangkak. Bagi aku tempat ni bagus jugak la. Puas hati jugak walaupun plug dia kadang kadang meyakitkan hati , tapi tak tau la macam mana kalau bilik lain en. Lepas check in kite orang pergi makan kat warung dekat sini. Sup dia pekat memang "KAW" lah beb haha. Alhamdullilah la kenyang sampai ke malam , rasa macam membazir lak beli potato chip. Hehehe.  

Lepas makan abang ipar aku tanya aku nak ikut dia pergi kerja tak. Mula mula aku rasa macam nak pergi tapi biler fikir balik. Baik rehat la sebab esok nak buat kerja. Masa dalam hotel lak, aku tak tau nak buat apa. So aku try la on Habbo . Da lama gak la tak on Habbo ni. Habbo ni sejenis chatroom dengan avatar 2D . Nak kata macam mana susah sikit lah, lebih baik kalau korang pergi Google sendiri hehehe. 

Time aku on Habbo tu , aku dapat kenal dengan orang orang dalam tu. Aku kenal diaorang dari bilik nama Malaysian High School (MHS) . Dia orang ni friendly, kelakar tapi kadang kadang dia orang ni nakal gak haha tapi normal la tu en haha. Ni gambar dia orang
Kiteorang yang dekat logo tu kat atas. Bermula dari logo tulis MHS sampai ke avatar laki warna hitam/ kotak. Nama id habbo yang dalam gambar ni, Masaiko , AceJieya , AyipzManz, Hanibunnystar, amyemily1992, emmyemilya, ehhadidawson
Pape pun thanks for being my friend guys :D

2 of my siblings..

This photo was taken on 57th annual Malaysia Independence Day, 31 August 2014 at my sister house in Bangi, Selangor. Meet a few of the Lokman's Family, the little girl is my nephew Mariam . Two of the girls is my sister Nurul Jannah and Ezatul Ain and the man behind there is my brother in law Aman. Living with them, sometimes we had a wonderful moment together but sometimes we create World War . Although they hardly listen to me, but I still love them and sometimes I find my own way to figure some complicated stuff. I really Love my family so much. Without them, I think I'm nothing. 

I love my cat (Nyamuk)

As you can see the cover picture for this blog is my brother hahaha.

I love him, he is my favourite cat. His name is NYAMUK (mosquito) because his tail stripes like a mosquito. Hehe As you can see he is a normal cat. But for me his more than just a cat. His love to his master are very loyalty, no matter where his master go. He followed although I never called him. But sometimes he doesn't do this, because he never stop playing with leaves or with his brother and mom -_-''

Here's some photo of him. And a photo of him playing with his mother. I think he his one of the best Cat I love. There's also another two best cats but they have died when I was small and 16 years old. R.I.P - Spike and Comot. (sory no photo about them)


Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim 
(Bukit Timbalan)

Bangunan ni adalah bangunan antara yang tersejarah di Johor Bahru. Mestilah macam macam benda ada kan? Tapi aku kat sini bukan berniat nak takut kan korang lah kan biler lalu sini, sebenarnya walau macam ne pun jangan lah takut. Pasang niat dulu baru pergi, jaga percakapan. 

Sebenarnya aku pernah kena kacau kat sini. 2 Kali , time bergambar dan time habis sembahyang. Sebenarnya aku berkongsi ngan korang ni bukan nak belagak yang aku jumpa benda ni or pernah kena kacau. Tapi aku cerita ngan korang ni sebab aku nak korang buat benda yang sama macam aku buat iaitu BERANI . Berhenti berfikir tentang benda ni semua walaupun benda ni wujud tapi tak semestinya kita tak boleh datang ke tempat ni. 

Maksud aku BERANI ni bukan korang BERANI jumpa benda ni sampai boleh jadi macam cite Paranormal or pape tu. Maksud aku BERANI adalah KUATKAN SEMANGAT. Lepastu fikir dulu sebelum bercakap, jangan main hembus je. 
Jangan lupa jaga kebersihan dan pakaian. Kadang kadang benda yang kita tak rasa berlaku pun, akan berlaku. 

Kadang kadang kita tak buat ape ape pun dia ada juga. Yang penting jangan takut. Lagi kita takut lagi lah dia datang. Bagi orang orang Islam, kalau rasa seram sejuk pun, sebaiknya korang bacalah 3 Qul , Alfatihah, Berzikir dan pasang niat yang betul. Insya'allah berjalan lancar la semua. Aku rasa aku taktahu ape lagi nak bagitahu, yang paling penting nya jaga percakapan walau dimana kita berada. Benda ni merata bukan sahaja di kawasan ini sahaja. Kalau jumpa pun cuba kawal takut tu dan berani sampailah korang dekat kawasan lain. Tetapi dalam perjalanan tu, tetiba korang teringat pasal benda ni. Cuba rehat kan diri, agak agak dah okay sambung lah perjalanan anda. 

Kepada pemandu kenderaan kereta atau motor. INGAT! Kadang kadang orang accident bukan sahaja kerana membawa laju tapi kadang kadang terkejut dan takut. Jadi baiknya korang pergi tempat yang ramai orang atau kawasan yang terang dan tenangkan diri sementara. Kemudian sambung perjalanan. Anda Mampu Mengubahnya .